because I have a fickle mind

Hello there! So I created a new blog site, yet again. I know, I know I can't really stay put and make up my mind. I am fickle minded that way.

Well, I just need to move out from my previous blog site because I need to start anew. I need a different breathing ground. I felt that my old  blog site doesn't speak of what's me anymore, you get what I mean? I've changed and a lot of things around me changed too. Apparently I'm no longer the same person as I was before.

And one of those things that changed in me is... I'm a mother NOW!!! Would you believe that, ME as a MOTHER? Amazing, right? Becoming a mother is one of the major, major changes in me! My personality, my outlook in life changed in like 360 degrees! I'm loving it, I'm loving every bits and pieces of motherhood. If you were a regular reader of my previous blog, you would know how I felt before when I learned that I'm conceiving. And I'm so guilty for feeling such because really having a baby is very WONDERFUL. It's pure AMAZING. JOY. BLISS. It's something you can't just attached with any adjectives. And maybe, maybe you will only know what I'm talking about if you are a mother yourself.

Follow me in my journey and my (mis)adventure of motherhood, my life as a mom, wife, and career women. And what's me without those rants and silliness? Maybe, just maybe I'll share with you how to stay healthy, sexy even if you're a mother (because believe me staying and being one is essential. Not just just for you, your baby but for your dear husband most importantly! Because HE deserves to have a sexy wife!) Stay tuned as I unravel the secrets of parenting and how I raise my unica hija.

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